As believers we must accept responsibility for every prophetic word to become a reality in our lives. Psalm 103.7 says that God made known his ways to Moses to produce his acts unto the children of Israel, therefore behind every act is a way.

Kingdom advancement is putting God first in all affairs as a lifestyle. We are called to ‘seek first the kingdom of God’ - Matthew 6.33; by seeking one thing, we gain everything else.

There are kings in the old testament who put God first, and their legacies live on till today.
  • David’s first task on being crowned King of all Israel was to bring the Ark back to Israel (2Samuel 5.6).
  • Solomon raised an alter to God after his coronation (1Kings 3.4-9) and offered a thousand bulls. And God visited him.
  • Hezekiah got to the throne and in the first month of the first year of his reign (2Chronicles 29.3) opened the temple and repaired it, as his first assignment.

Kingdom advancement is serving God with all that you have – your heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12.30). Rev 5.10 states that we are made kings and priests unto God; to reign and to serve. Only those who serve the kingdom loyally will enjoy maximum blessing of reigning in the kingdom because your usefulness to the Kingdom will promote your relevance before God.

The worth of kingdom stewardship is everything you need in life; you are blessed by the kingdom by the input you make into it. This is one of the gateways to step into the new dawn.

  1. Praying & Fasting. Contrary to the approach of many, this platform isn’t just for crisis resolution. The number one purpose of praying and fasting is to serve the Kingdom of God. In Luke 2.36-37, Anna served God in the temple with fasting and praying, night and day. When Jesus taught the disciples to pray in Luke 11.1-2, the kingdom coming and God’s will being done was the first request. After this was asking for our daily bread (verse 3). This means you are not entitled to your daily bread until you’ve sought the wellbeing of the Kingdom.

    And what are we to pray for in seeking the advancement of the kingdom?
      • Ask for the salvation of souls.
Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession’ Psalm 2.8. Soul-winning is the heart beat of God because he wants all men to be saved (1Timothy 2.4) and be established in the faith - in John 15.16, Jesus says he chose us to bring forth fruit that will remain. We must pray that everyone who receives Christ will also have Christ formed in them (Galatians 4.19) so they find the character and fortitude to remain in the faith.

  • Pray for the continuous growth of the Church because God delights in multitudes (Proverbs 14.28). Again in Luke 14.23, He commands that we ‘compel them to come in that His house may be filled’. Ezekiel. 36.37 says ‘I will yet be enquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them; I will increase them with men like a flock’, so therefore we must pray for the Church to be continually increased.
  • Pray for revival and spiritual awakening. There are places where the Spirit of God has run dry, so we ask for revival.
    ‘Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee? Psalm 85.6.
    ‘O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years’ Habakkuk 3.2.
  • Pray for all spiritual leaders, so their spiritual stability remains strong. Jesus speaking in Matthew 26.31 said when the shepherd is struck, the sheep shall be scattered. In Luke 22.31-32 Jesus told Peter he prayed for him to not fail as satan desired, but that he would strengthen the brethren.
  • We pray that spiritual leaders have impactful ministry; that they shall boldly discharge the Word of God (Ephesians 6.18-20).
  • We must keep praying for their deliverance because they are prime targets for agents of the devil. In 2Thessalonians 3.2, Paul asked the Thessalonians to pray for them that they would be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men. Also, the church praying without ceasing for Peter led to his release and the destruction of Herod (Acts 12 verses 5, 8, and 23).
  • Pray for the needs of all the saints. Ephesians 6.18 admonishes that we ‘pray always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints’. James 5.16 instructs us to ‘pray one for another, that ye may be healed’. We see also how Job prayed for his friends in Job 42.10, and the Lord turned his captivity.
  • We must pray for our nations. In every nation, God has His people and we must pray (2 Chronicles 7.14). When we pray, God says He will in turn prosper us (Psalm 122.6).

2)      Soul-winning. Why must we engage in this?
i)    It is a command of the Lord (and the final one). Matthew 28.18-19.
ii)   It is primary purpose of the Holy Spirit’s anointing. Acts 1.8. Without soul-winning the Holy Spirit will be docile.
iii)    It is following the example of the Master (1Peter 1.21).
iv)   It demonstrates our sonship (Proverbs 10.5). If you are not a soul-winner you are not representing God.

  1. Your bread and water are blessed. According to Exodus 23.25 what you eat will be sanctified, and He will remove sickness from the midst of you.
  2. Renewed strength. Moses’ eyes did not dim nor his natural force abate - Deuteronomy 34.7.
  3. Fruitfulness. ‘There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren in thy land’ - Exodus 23.26. Fruitfulness is His reward to those who serve Him (Psalm 127.3).
  4. Honour. Money can’t buy this, it is given only to the servers (John 12.26). We honour God by soul-winning; Proverbs 27.18 reads ‘he that keepeth the fig tree shall eat the fruit thereof: so he that waiteth on his master shall be honoured’.


  1. Lord empower me to be a soul winner, give me a new heart, a heart that will pant after you. This message has not only blessed my heart but it has from this very moment changed my prayer life styles from personal worried prayer to the prayer of advancing the kingdom

  2. I will serve the lord with all my Soul


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