THE FORCE OF OBEDIENCE - Bishop Thomas Aremu

Read: Deuteronomy Chapter 28.

Verses 1-14 of Deuteronomy 28 gives a detailed account of blessings due to us when we obey God.

Abraham, without delay responded to divine instruction to:
  • ·         leave his childhood home behind and travel to an unfamiliar place (Genesis 12.4),
  • ·         circumcise all males, including adults (Genesis 17.23), and
  • ·         sacrifice his only son by Sarah (Genesis 22.3).

 Abraham’s obedience impacted on generations that were to come, and is still blessing us today (Genesis 22.18). Jesus’ first miracles were based on obedience – at the wedding in Cana, the servants filling the purification jars with water, and again the nobleman whose son was healed (John 4.50,53).

Disobedience allows the devil take control of your life by giving him a foothold from which he will plague you (James 4.7-8). Verses 15-68 of Deuteronomy 28 detail the blessing-reversals (and then some additional curses) that come on those who forsake His commandments. Jeremiah 11.3 repeats this also ‘cursed be the man that obeys not the words of this covenant’.

Now, for the act of obedience to be genuine, it must be immediate and devoid of half-measures. To be clear, delayed obedience equates to disobedience. Take Jonah for example - he ran off to Tarshish to avoid preaching to Nineveh, and wound up spending 3 days in the belly of a fish. The lesson here is that no matter the cost of obedience, it is ultimately cheaper than the result of disobedience.

We need not go on our own strength at any point because we have the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Jesus actually declared that outside of him, we could do nothing (John 15.5-6). And remember, when God is for us, who can stand against us (Romans 8.31)? Distress, persecution, tribulation or nothing else we face in life should separate us from Him (Romans 8.35, 38). Staying connected is key to our preservation and prosperity.

Obedience is therefore for our benefit so we continually move forward, never backward or fall prey to our own counsel. (Jeremiah 7.23-24). Proverbs 1.23-28 reminds me to be thankful every day for salvation in Christ because if I somehow fall in a pit of my own making, and God is laughing at my calamity (v.26) who will I turn to for help?

The Steps For New Dawn Inheritance:
  1.  Obedience
  2. Revelation for application
  3. Visions to run with


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